
Recent content by Laserdoc

  1. Bronco Raptor R news coming 1/17... see upcoming Ford Performance video description

    That's an hour of my life, i can't get back. It was an overview of Ford racing and didn't have anything to do with new models.
  2. Bronco Raptor R news coming 1/17... see upcoming Ford Performance video description

    Thanks. I was trying to look it up, but couldn't find anything. I was excited for a moment!
  3. Bronco Raptor R news coming 1/17... see upcoming Ford Performance video description

    The R was a typo? So, there isn't a R model coming?
  4. Price protection on pushed Raptors.

    That's exactly what I've heard from the people that took delivery of their Raptors. Basically, you have to "pony up" the extra coin, even if it doesn't seem right.
  5. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    Rules are rules! lol
  6. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    In general, I'm not scared; however, my Raptor doesn't need to go on that type of adventure lol!
  7. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    I've watched several videos and it's non-stop scenery.
  8. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    Another scenic, although easy trail, is Chicken Corner Trail. Definitely a pic and vid trail, not a locker trail lol.
  9. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    We'll have to keep in contact and get coordinated for T.O.T.W trail. I just need a clear and sunny day in the forecast and I'm good to go. Yes, everything is good with the Raptor.
  10. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    I'm going to sign up, if only to support the efforts of the organizers. I have a few priorities, as far as the trails go, but I'm open to different options. Top Of The World trail is #1 on the list. I'm buying a drone and that will make for great video.
  11. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    Anyone else signing up or have plans for Moab?
  12. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    The SLC option saves me extra shipping hassles and expense, but I'm not solely reliant on that option. One way or another I'm showing up with a Bronco lol.
  13. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    I have 2 options, one is already a definite, in case of a delay with the SLC plan.
  14. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    Yes, I fly in on Sunday and will be ready to go on Monday.
  15. Moab Bronco Safari 2023 Scheduled For May 2-6

    Yes, it will be there for sure. 23 Raptor Code Orange