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  2. 100 foot pine tree meets my Bronco 😢

    Damn. The damage doesn't look terrible for all the chaos in that pic. I'm about 40 minutes north-ish of you and those winds last week were no joke. I watched our 50' pecan tree bending at the main part of the trunk and was certain I was going to see it snap and fall into our pool.
  3. The Most Common Bronco Colors You See? 🎨

    I'm in a tiny town in Texas (less than 200 people) and there are quite a few Broncos here, mostly different colors. Oxford White Wildtrak, HPR Wildtrak, A51 Big Bend, A51 Black Diamond, AMB Badlands, my Cyber Orange, and someone just got a Raptor that's fully wrapped in a metallic...
  4. SAS ride quality on interstate highways?

    Sasquatch is really good on the highway. Smooth ride and tracks arrow straight, even in a 2 door. Just drop the tire pressure from the recommended (ridiculously high) 39psi to 35psi and you'll be good to go.
  5. From a local shop

  6. 2023 vs 2024 2.3L engine note

    Big change from the '21s and '22s where Ford piped in wind noise to drown out the ticky/clanky engine sounds. 🙃
  7. How long are you driving topless?

    Not in my Bronco, but did a 1,100 miler (round trip) from College Station to Fort Davis with the top off of one of my 2012 JKU. It wasn't bad at all, except for the first half of the return trip due to an unexpected drop in temps that had us cruising at 85-90 on I-10 in 55 degree temps. Jeep...
  8. Vin says Badlands

    Timely thread. I noticed this on my insurance card last week. I have a Basequatch and it shows as an Outer Banks.
  9. 2.7L Oil Change Tips + Replacement Drain Plugs

    Mine is still performing like new after 30,000 miles and oil changes every 5K-7K or so.
  10. Mileage range issues

    Yep, winter blend mixed with remote starting on cold mornings means my mileage has dropped from 16-17 down to 13-14. I looked at my range after I filled up the other day and laughed because it was the same as I used to get in my old '91 Bronco. :LOL:
  11. Vroom.com Closes It's "Doors"

    Yep. Vroom bought my 2020 Wrangler 9 months and 14,000 miles after I'd purchased it for $200 less than my total "out the door" price. I bought a VW Jetta Sportwagen TDI from a friend for $9,000 to bridge the gap between my Jeep and the arrival of my Bronco. Carvana bought it in March of 2022...
  12. Funny story about my wife. You have one?

    My wife's QX80 was starting to show some age and was due for a pretty good spend on maintenance. We'd kicked around getting rid of it, but I didn't know how serious she really was. One day while we were in Houston, she randomly said "there's a new car I want to go look at while we're in town."...
  13. Info on Broncos

    I have a two year old 2022 2 door Base Sasquatch with the 2.7 and just a hair under 36,000 miles. It's my DD. I've had 3 previous 4-door Jeep Wranglers and my wife's current DD is a 4 door Wrangler. I've had no issues with the 2.7, as I was luckily out of the window of the ones produced with...
  14. Cybertruck recovery by Ford diesel

    Hey Griswold, where do you think you're gonna put a tree that big? :LOL: :LOL:
  15. Can someone explain our HVAC system?

    Thanks for posting this. I have a Base and keep recirculation mode on all the time to combat the high humidity we get due to our proximity to the Gulf Coast. When the outside temps drop into the 60s, the system will kick out of recirculation mode after 60 seconds, allowing damp air to blast...
  16. Ugly Sun Visor Warning Label removal?... Covers?

    Thanks for linking. I had no idea something like that existed. I just ordered those and two of the sunglass pouches.
  17. Bricked Again! - Second Time. Anyone Else?

    I'm one of the lucky ones and my updates have never worked. I have everything set up correctly, but I haven't received an update in a year and a half. I'm afraid to mess with the settings and turn the auto update feature off because I don't want to upset whatever delicate balance of luck and...
  18. Ever going to be possible to order a 2-door with a factory soft top?

    That's the Bestop Trektop "dealer installed" factory option. It's the soft top with the slant back that a few of us aren't a fan of. You can order it when configuring your Bronco build (looks like a $2,600 option, now), but it's just drop shipped to your dealership and they put it on for you...
  19. Ever going to be possible to order a 2-door with a factory soft top?

    I want a soft top, but I'm just not a fan of the slantback look. After waiting on someone to release a square back soft top that folds all the way back, I gave up and just bought a Toplift Pro. It only takes about 10 minutes to fully remove the hard top, but it sucks because you're gambling on...