
Canuck Bronco Club

Canadian Bronco Enthusiasts discussion on essentials like extra cup holders and whatever else!
1000km review

So, I'll go over what I liked and found out the hard way on. Nothing too crazy.

First, door and soft top removal:

Definitely took some time and was not as easy as videos showed, but it has gotten easier. As for the bumper guides for the doors, I never saw anyone show exactly where to place them. At the highest part of the door frame on the bronco is where you want one, the other is on the door itself. You want to place the second bumper at the highest point as well or where I placed it which is about three inches below it. After that, worked great.

Second: clicking!!!
While putting back on the doors, one of them was doing a real bad clicking, I panicked and removed the door and put it back on a couple times but when I tightened the bolts, the clicking went away.

Follow up, after washing my car yesterday, I noticed the door clicked a lot when I opened it. I checked the bolts by hand and looked for anything stuck, which didn't happen. So I told myself I'd take the door off later and went for a drive, about 45min later I heard the bolt fall out and bounce around between the door and frame. I pulled over, tightened it with the tool set and the clicking stopped. So I took this as a sign that it needed to be tightened because it came loose somehow. Now I know.

Third: gas mileage
Wow!!! Got 11.4L/100km. Which was incredible. As an example, my kia soul gets around 9L/100km.

With gas around 1.35/L it's roughly $10 for 100kms. Not complaining at all.

The tailgate is getting more and more predictable to use. Regards to force, etc.

Fourth, take out floor mats when driving w no doors.

Fifth, soft top gets wrinkles the more you open it up.

Sixth, my key fob auto start isn't doing what I think it's suppose to do. It says click twice, I have many times but nothing happens. I use the ford pass app to auto start though.

Seventh, we had a rain storm so I changed the goat mode to slippery. Wow! Turning a corner in this mode from the stop position was insanely slow. Equivalent speed to someone pushing your Bronco for you. It will definitely not slip going that slow around a turn.

Eight, rain and soft top
After a rain, when you open the door, the water Poor's down onto the floor, just on the inner side of your Bronco where the food guards are. No big deal but it definitely will need to be wiped up after a good rain.

Nine, swapping out the plastic bumper for modular is in the works, but from a recent post, it doesn't look like this is suppose to take place. It's not compatible at all and cutting through welds is required, as well as shackles and other missing parts.

Tenth, so far I absolutely LOVE the bronco! I love that the bumpers sit a couple inches below the frame which will help with impacts and especially rotting of the frame. I love that the bronco is very quiet, even w a soft top. The audio is great, no idea why people said it was not. My kids love it, my wife loves it, coworkers, etc.

Any questions, feel free to ask.
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Thankyou for sharing! I'm so happy that you and your family are enjoying your bronco!
Hoping to hear something about mine SOON!
@SassyBronco2021 thanks!

Yah I sure hope you hear something soon. From what I've heard, they are ahead of schedule on dirt mountain which means all other orders will move along. This is good because originally the hard top swaps weren't to take place for another month.

Hope you hear something soon!
@SurfsUp85 yes soon! Is your new club only on fb? If thats the only was i can join i guess im gonna have to get fc, lol!
Ive got 4400km on my BD 4dr 2.3at and we love it,like you said gets 11.4l/100km and rides nice,haven't taken doors off yet but thanks for the heads up maybe use locktight on bolts?as for the remote start the range sucks but fordpass works fine
@Rednek yah locktight could be an option!

The app will def do. I don't really need the key fob auto start w the app. It's just a bit more convenient is all.

I'm going to take pics the next time I do the doors and I'll post them. Thought I did last time but was prob too nervous to actually document it. How are you liking your tires on that BD? They look great!

Buckn A
Buckn A
Have you tried pushing the lock button on the key fob before you press the start button twice?
@BUCKN no I haven't

Are you suppose to do that?

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