
Recent content by MTBrad

  1. Factory Trailer Brake Controller installation feedback

    Thanks RoverDude! That is a huge help!
  2. Factory Trailer Brake Controller installation feedback

    Great question...im in the same boat!
  3. Relocation of Lux Package Cruise Control Sensor for Winch Installation...

    Same here and thanks! Such an odd choice for Ford to make the customer choose between the two! For me, winch all day long. My concern in just turning it off is the unknown impact of some odd downstream feature dependent on using the ACC system.
  4. Relocation of Lux Package Cruise Control Sensor for Winch Installation...

    Hello all...does anyone know if there is a relocation area for the cruise control sensor so a winch can be installed? My current understanding is that a winch cannot go in front of this sensor. Thanks!
  5. Relocation Of Lux Package Cruise Control Sensor for Winch...

    Hello all...has anyone heard of or know if there is a workaround/relocation area for the cruise control sensor if you want to put a winch on your rig? Thanks!