
Recent content by UTARD

  1. New Bronco Raptor Parts: OEM Carbon Fiber Body Panels from Ford Performance

    That’s spy photos for the bronco raptor R
  2. Metalcloak front bumper installed

    Looks really good I wish they did a non winch version also
  3. I Cloaked my Bronco! Metalcloak rear bumper installed

    I really like how tight it fits to the body I have the metal cloak sliders and they are well built I’ve had my eye on the bumpers
  4. Mishimoto High Mount IC Installed

    Nice bumper who makes that?
  5. What the heck is this !?

    I cut mine off flush with bottom of the fender well
  6. HOSS 3.0 Lift options?

    I would be interested in your hoss 3.0 shocks if you decide to go the carli route thanks.
  7. Flush/Level slide steps suggestions for 4-Door Badlands Squatch?

    Metalcloak is a better option as a slider but a worse option as intended for a step they are high and tight they are not frame mount but metal cloak don’t make junk ask anyone that has ever used their products on a jeep they have high lift jack points and claimed to have been fully tested on the...
  8. PPF Questions - To or To Not Wrap Edges

    I wrapped my whole 4 door in clear except the back for 2600 and it wraps over the door edges
  9. Metalcloak Front & Rear Bumpers for Ford Bronco Now Available!

    Looking good rear bumper is almost flush with body is there going to be a front bumper version without a winch mount so you won’t have to relocate the ACC.