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  1. Hardtop clips

    Hi all. Recently put on the hardtop for the first time and the front clips don’t shut all the way (upward). Did I install wrong? All the clips are super tight and hard to close but they all successfully close except the front two (same on both sides). Thoughts ??
  2. Brackets needed to install hard top (after removing Bestop soft top)?

    Have a Wildtrack 4-door.... I had to remove & repair my Bestop soft top (not factory) and now I want to install my hard top. I know one or more of the brackets I removed to get the Bestop off needs to be put back on but I cannot find a video showing exactly which one (for a 4-door). Does anyone...
  3. Help needed! Bestop is bent

    Help? Advice? Anyone have experience putting together a Bestop Slantback soft top (4-dr)? I messed up BIG! Drove it into my garage like an idiot, so I’m trying to buy only the replacement parts I need to fix it. I have plenty of pictures I could share, but all the heavy duty mounting brackets...