I just picked up a 23 Wildtrak and has one cover for the two front hard top removable panels. I know both fit in the one cover. The rear panel over the passengers does it have a cover as well. And if so is it included in the new vehicle delivery?
Wow…yikes the BRAPTOR adventures in less than a week. I sell my Cactus Gray BRAPTOR to only turn around and buy a Black one🙃. Damn these Braptors are just so damn nice. There is a lot more to this story than many here will understand but anyways here she is😎
Hey everyone my sincere apologies if someone has already posted a video on how to change your oil. And even for me I did a search engine and YouTube search to see any videos on this and decided to make one. If their is already a thread than just shut it down not here to promote my channel...
Damn my BRAPTOR truly pulls like nothing with 4K behind her and just handles incredibly well. But dang she’s a real gas HOG to bad not a bigger fuel tank. And yeh I was driving her but experimented at lower speeds and highway driving you May get 7 MPG going u der posted speeds keeping her...
WOW even I am amazed what I just pulled off!!! Damn this thing is insane and unbelievable I have one. Traded my Wildtrak for her and how this all played out is just incredible.
Yeh it won’t be cheap they paid me 10k over sticker. But beautiful flawless Bronco with a really nice exhaust added on. and here is some videos explains what happened.
Yeh yeh I hear the ones waiting forever watching this thread and or video😳. Uh huh my second Bronco 2 door finally comes in after being built in December 2021.
I just posted this morning my how to install brake controller video and now posting my first time towing using it.
And if you missed it here is the Brake Controller install video as well.
I am sharing my Video using the factory Mesh Net with the Water Bottle holder.
Damn I thought for sure after the Ukraine crap got going the reality to the Oil Markets would calm down. But for the moment this could be an ongoing challenge and it will have economic impacts on our economy. Vote on what you think happens this year and do not make it a political thread being I...
Good Sunday morning and yeh 😁 let the hashing begin. Having a really nice time here in Tn between back road driving the cars and bikes as well. I posted a Chevy Corvette C8 video a few weeks ago saying I was disappointed. The C8 crowd didn’t take it to lightly so I figured I’d make a video in my...