Nice! Enjoyed the took a LONG time, but we did finally take delivery of our 2 door 6spd. We were allowed to get on the Heritage list due to our early deposit, so Ford tossed us a bone and we're enjoying it. Just broke 9,000 miles on it. Hope to follow along and join an outing in...
Fun video. I'm in Tualatin and my wife works at Nike. We just watched and we believe you're the same guy who was at the Bronco rodeo school in Vegas?? Could it be?
100% agree. In fact, if my dealer tries to mark up mine more than MSRP, I'm out, canceled. Ford needs to sell the crap out of these. These will not be, nor were they ever intended to be low volume cars. Paying a big premium is for fools, dealers charging large premiums don't really care...
Shocking Ford's supply chain was this fragile. The Veep of Supply Chain, will be in the Hall of Fame for business failures. What's interesting/funny, is that the previous CEO's "expertise" was supposedly Supply Chain. I suspect he had a big part in F-ing this up.