Kinda like Social Security. Take the money. Piss away the money. The scare everyone by telling them the money is all gone so they need to pay more money to get 10% of their money back.
If you live that long.
Never put 2 and 2 together until you posted this. Your videos were one of my go to sources when researching the new Bronco a year ago. So thanks for the good intel.
So do I :thumbsup: . I thought I had 1/8th but after your post I checked and I also have the 1x3/16th. have some lying around was the thinking behind me floating the question.
Thanks to @GroovyGeek as well.
Is 1/8th aluminum going to be robust enough? Particularly if your attachment point is between the 2 bolts holding it on. I'm leaning towards no but am open to other opinions
Posers are only people that paint their Regal black and put the Grand National badges on it. :D
Honestly do what you want just don't get upset if people don't like it. Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one and it's usually stinky
"Plus since I'm OCD and have them lined up all facing one direction," If you used a paint pen to index mark them you might be OCD+ ;). Honestly I was very very close to the same thing but my need for equal tension won out.
I have RallyArmor. Not cheap but very well made. Wider than most mudflaps out there. No drilling. You can also remove the flexible bottom section if you're going off road and want some added clearance.
You might get better results with plastic-dip. Hold it far enough away that you get a pebbled finish. You can do the same with rattle can paint. Essentially you're just doing a bad paint job. Cheaper. Or buy textured ABS sheets. Do a search and you'll find plenty