I’ll get back to you. Gotta find the data sheet from @Discount Tire . Bought the wheels and tires through them. I remember to get the BFGs with white raised lettered tires I had to get something different.
Yowzer. That’ll make for some awkward holiday gatherings in the future. Family can be challenging. Sorry y’all got screwed over. Definitely try for a Braptor and do donuts around their basic model.
I had snow somehow come through my closed apartment windows during a Michigan blizzard once so snow sneaking through soft top windows doesn’t really surprise me. Soft tops aren’t meant for extreme weather
There’s a few things I’m not digging. Those vents over the fender flares are out of place. The Raptor badge is ugly. The MEGA fender flares just seem odd to me and dont look OEM. I do love the suspension/engine/interior. But honestly for the price I’d just buy a F150 Raptor.