
Search results

  1. From DC to Baja and back

    Amazing! God for you guys! Thanks for sharing.
  2. Trip to the South

    Very nice. MPG on 91 grade - is it by choice? I use 87 on my 23 BD- drove from Miami to Michigan 1200 miles each way average 21 MPg at best. Should have reset the system. Love my bronco, comfortable enough for three adults.
  3. Expensive vacation souvenir: a Badlands Bronco

    Very nice color! I would have failed as a mechanic. Nice story. Best part is you are enjoying your family !!!
  4. Suggestion for trails around Detroit, Michigan?

    Up from MIA visiting family. No one here knows where to put some dirt on the mud flaps. Maybe you folks can suggest where to ride not to far from Shelby Township where abouts 🎅 2 hours out bound radius ? Merry Christmas kids. Stay frosty.