
Search results

  1. Best MPG you have reached

    “The best MPG I have ever achieved is 17.9 while driving from Monterey to San Diego and using Cruise Control. Typically I get between 16.8 and 16.9 during local driving. Are members who are getting 20 MPG plus driving down-hill with tail-wind? :)” I have to believe 85-90% of these “great”...
  2. Best Tires for a Badland Sasquatch?

    Eastern Sierra, SW Idaho is same on remoteness… easy to get 80 plus miles away from fuel/civilization.
  3. How long does it take running no ethanol fuel to see mpg gain?

    +1 to Fordified1 …. Your driving style is biggest influence. I d guess most people could improve their mpg 5-10% if they d be conscious of their right foot and braking also! FYI, I ve seen .4-.5 mpg increase on nearly all my vehicles running non-ethanol over ethanol. Best way to check is on...
  4. Gasoline octane & MPG

    Biggest MPG effect comes from that object you hang your shoe on …. Simple deal.
  5. Ford EcoBoost V6 Class Action Lawsuit Filed Over Faulty Valves

    Phil, right on !! attorneys who filed this class action must be having real cash flow problems and grasping at straws. Unfortunately these type of frivolous lawsuits just add more cost/personnel expense to the business to operate and guess who absorbs that ….?? Us, the consumer.
  6. A Nice 37" Alternative to BFG KO2s = Cooper Rugged Trek Tires, 37x12.5R17

    What’s tires weight? Any idea on mpg hit?
  7. Is there a small WINCH that fits behind the Front skid plate

    How much ground clearance/approach angle did you lose with this and which brand is it? Looks nice, well done just wondering on what was lost. Also, did you do a slight lift to offset the weight increase?
  8. Best Tires for a Badland Sasquatch?

    Had a set on my old Jeep and great tires if you re really using them for a true 4x4 , off-road. Good value. If you re mostly highway and city use may or may not be your top choice. Mine weren’t pampered and held up fine.
  9. Brake upgrades? 37" tires + skids, starting to think about brakes.

    Buckin6va, thank you. I ll save this brake maint mode info 👍
  10. Best Tires for a Badland Sasquatch?

    “Best” is so subjective …. What’s your use/conditions?? Then you can start analyzing which tires are candidates …
  11. Brake upgrades? 37" tires + skids, starting to think about brakes.

    Sorry so dense but what’s procedure to “put in maintenance mode”? I tried what I believe is similar or same that someone had an mpg adjustment process on and I didn’t get screen/mode accomplished. Would like like to do that one too. Thx for any procedure / help!!
  12. Smaller tires for winter on Heritage / Sasquatch

    There’s some 35-11:50-17 s out there but not much of a narrowing (1”) from your current tires. I think the 35-10:50 might be the way to go.
  13. Battery Question

    My ASS and everything is working fine but I often don’t drive my Bronco for 5-6 days… when I do it’s showing 15.2 amps charging and if I drive 20-30 miles it ll go down to 14.8 or maybe 15.0. It takes an hour or two drive for it to typically get low 14 or high 13 range …. Are others seeing same...
  14. Any ‘can’t miss’ Black Friday deals this year?

    40” FP (Rigid) light bar is 25% off. Thinking about it ….?🤔
  15. Bronco battery confusion

    I think a guy from the old Escort line got moved to putting batteries in on the Bronco line … 😳😂 As mentioned probably aux switches/model difference. My BL has the switches and larger battery in it.
  16. Illinois Custom 2-door Rear Cargo Area Platform $250

    Good Luck with your sale. You did a nice job on that platform. Got one similar myself… it’s more work than most folks would realize when building one.
  17. Ford Offer?

    It’s no longer a dealers candy store …. Broncos sitting on lots; both new and used! Go out and give those guys some payback for when they pulled their ADM BS. Be tough and walk as necessary; they too know the game on buying has changed!!!
  18. Does Anyone Have This Ford Lightbar?

    On roof mounted example any increase in wind noise on highway?
