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  1. MY 2023 Build Week Tracking Spreadsheets

    No worries... none taken! I'm always told (at home) my typed responses come off as too direct... but I don't see a need to not be direct... why waste time? :) I'm in a highly technical field where room for interpretation causes issues. Thanks for the offer... but no need.
  2. MY 2023 Build Week Tracking Spreadsheets

    If, when bumped, you (or whoever) indicates as such in Column D, the data from that row is no longer used in the calculations and charts. That said, I've been fighting bad data, lack of updating and random removal of data that has made this nearly a full time job to stay on top of. Couple that...
  3. 2 Door owners MAD! Why?

    I bought a four door so when I pick up Mr. Two Door's mom for a date, she can get it in the back door. :ROFLMAO: 🎤💧
  4. Train Derailment in Kentucky with New Ford Vehicles

    It's not... somewhere around here is a thread of one in Northern Missouri or Lower Iowa with a bunch of trashed Broncos lying about.
  5. Ford Dealer Requiring Resale Right-of-First-Refusal From New Bronco Raptor Buyer

    Right to/right of first refusal is simple to work around. Nowhere does it state they dictate the selling price if/when you decide to resell. If they want it, make it at a price that either suits you, or they will refuse. Two can play the ADM game. They simply state they will offer what you...
  6. MY 2023 Build Week Tracking Spreadsheets

    Good news is he was Dallas... you're MUCH closer :rolleyes:
  7. MY 2023 Build Week Tracking Spreadsheets

    No explanation that I know of. Built and waited for rail shipment until 02/10.
  8. ⚠️ Steering Gear Safety Recall: DO NOT DELIVER OR DRIVE -- Wildtrak and Raptor Models (Built 8/30/22 - 3/1/23) [Update: VIN List Added]]

    lol... I'm not on the list! The shitshow just keeps rolling! Well done @Ford Motor Company... just when we think things are finally getting squared away, you impress with another debacle!
  9. MY 2023 Build Week Tracking Spreadsheets

    At this point, I'd say very few are filling out to completion. That said, someone from my build week, 12 SEP 2022, just took delivery a week and a half ago.
  10. MY 2023 Build Week Tracking Spreadsheets

    On it. Will create new now and update to populate consolidated this week.
  11. Dealer won't service Bronco

    Agree 100% on the Manufacturer's and Dealers not putting enough emphasis on tech retention. Kinda like the Titanic being half submerged... not a real good chance of it floating again. Times have changed though... I got out in 2002. Back then, turning away any job, other than a pure idiot...
  12. Dealer won't service Bronco

    Oh, yeah, I'm well aware of that aspect. I was a flat rate tech for many years. In the end, for the dealer, it all averages out. The dealer just has to adjust wages for the tech to make it do the same... that will never happen. Precisely why I am no longer a tech. In the end... some money is...
  13. Dealer won't service Bronco

    Idiots. Dealers make more money from service than sales anyway... why would you turn away money?
  14. MY 2023 Build Week Tracking Spreadsheets

    You only update the sheet you're bumped from in one spot... mark column D to "Yes", meaning you were bumped from that week. Then, move on to and enter your info in the new week's sheet.
  15. MY 2023 Build Week Tracking Spreadsheets

    Not necessarily, Stickers usually pop 7 days prior to the actual build/blend date, so if your late in the week of 03MAR, you may still have a chance. You could also contact the 1-800 number and ask if your build week remains the same, if you don't want to wait the week out.
  16. 9/12/22 Build Week Group **Now has Google Spreadsheet**

    Amazing. In a shitty kinda way.... but, hey, it is FINALLY almost yours. Congrats. Hopefully things go smoothly and the dealer is competent enough to figure out the correct pricing.
  17. MY 2023 Build Week Tracking Spreadsheets

    Looks like you're good to go on 3-20-2023 sheet! No need for the "share" button, but it doesn't hurt anything either. As data is entered, it is automatically shared.
  18. Has Anyone? Or Can you install MGV in a Wildtrack ????

    Might be as easy as ordering seat covers from parts.
  19. Salvage Bronco Raptor on Copart Ouch!

    140MPH full send over the creek will do that. Launch is never a problem, landings on a nose heavy beast are a bitch! It actually looks like the tie rod ends held:
