DOT regulates gross vehicle weight parameters for manufacturers, and they do not delineate "top heavy" based on where in the vehicle the weight is, just total gross vehicle weight. Aforementioned components puts the Bronco's chassis in the top end of what DOT can approve.
Yes, it is why I started my last post with "believe it or not" because I was just as surprised. But this came directly from the main guy who was leading the staff, I asked the question specifically about the pressure they were running he said 28 PSI. I have 35's on my Bronco and air down to 21...
Yeah . . . the dreaded "R3" condition in which chains are mandatory for all vehicles, even 4WD with snow tires, no exceptions. This is usually blizzard-like conditions and before snow plowing is able to smooth the road. My view has always been to simply not be out anytime R3 is in effect, it's...
Not sure if that would be the lowest price, but I can say that is certainly a fair price, and I notice they offer free shipping on that purchase, so that's a plus.
Exactly what I do, carrying chains is like a "hall pass" to get through chain control in case you get the odd CalTrans (or CHP officer) who actually asks and wants proof that you have chains with you. That is a very rare circumstance but it would be a tragedy to drive half way up the mountain...
No, but I did purchase them so they're ready to go. I experienced an extended family emergency that put all my Bronco fun on the back-burner, I'll get after it again soon.
I agree . . Nevada OR is great! As I have been telling folks, the experience is not just to help make us familiar with the Bronco (which of course it does), it also helps with "off roading skills", you learn a TON of tips and methods that apply to off roading in any vehicle, not just a Bronco...
I think it is the best tent I have ever owned . . . super light and easy to use, good quality construction. The descriptions and photos/reviews on the website depict everything you need to know. I am sure you will like it also (and no, I do not work for the company nor am I paid to place a...
Borderline unethical for a business to have a review portal on their website and just delete the reviews they don't like, really pathetic. Not owning up to shipping errors or quality issues or allowing good and bad reviews to exist for everyone to see is cowardly, IMO. They should have let the...
Look nice. How difficult is it for one person to put these on without help? Seems like it would be difficult holding them level while trying to bolt on, unless they first "hang" on the underside before bolting.