The Eruption Green is a bit too metallic to go with the decals I think. They'd look better on a forest/flatter green. Need to work with whats offered though.
Retro is hard to pull off perfectly I think.
But damn... Every time I see ProComps on a new Bronco I can't love it enough.
Thanks, Mike. I'm already ahead of you. Moved on to a truck from a different brand that was able to get me my truck faster than Ford could get me a Bronco. I wasn't even in a real rush. The whole situation just turned me off the Bronco and Ford.
Sometimes I think everyone here is too hard on...
I don't mind paying a bit for something cool and a bit lux or whatever. But....WTF? I bet my $40 Mastercraft Maximum shovel will work better, and last longer, than this thing. Moving parts don't make a good shovel. I have a $30 folding shovel that isn't very good. But I can break it five or six...
I bailed on the Bronco. I said I would look at the Bronco again in a year or two but each time I'm here I sour on the brand and the process a little more. I'll likely not buy a Bronco and more than likely will not buy a Ford. I
I've never been a brand kind of person. With a strong opinion for...
It's about 870miles to a Ford dealership in Whitehorse.
Northern communities are well versed in getting things from the south. Likely came on a truck. Or they flew and drove it back. When you live in the middle of nowhere 20 hours to drive is nothing.
Could have come by barge in the summer...
The dealer closest to me has a VB OBX mannequin. Looked silly to me with the stock wheels.
After a couple of months they put a set of Badlands wheels and tires. Changed the look dramatically for the better.