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    The Broncos of Virginia(s)

    I find the local FB off-road/Bronco groups to be a lot more active than this regional group.
  2. Unicorn Pillar Lights help

    Like KC Titan Lites?
  3. 2024 Bronco and latest FORScan

    One of my best investments. Slightly cumbersome to get it installed - pulling off some of those panels took a lot of force, but worth it in the end.
  4. Review: M&R 30 Inch" Light Bar PRO

    I’ve been tempted by this one for a long time before it fits inside the safari bar. Pics with the light on? (Bonus points for day & night pics with the amber - I can’t tell if I’d want that feature)
  5. Custom vanity license plate for your Bronco?

    That's what I tell myself and others :)
  6. Custom vanity license plate for your Bronco?

    I covet the true "BUCKING" here I am working with lemons
  7. East Coast Winter Wheeling - Rausch Creek Park w/ Off-Road Consulting.

    This past Sunday I went to =AZXjku7s_NambAnvYaxGq1DqMhRjmj4F2fnH-0tqOXkgvbIfeS-ISAT6E7SRJZw6GaSAwxhkY0TTYngD_wfxrxp2kBETlddoYqFmQSZ6POtKkM--vElb4xe_F7FCv-vlH51NLfP8rLiN27UxQKtFNicb&__tn__=-UK-R']Rausch Creek off Road and took the Off-Road Consulting 201 Course. Lucky enough to wheel a 2nd time...
  8. 37” Tire Regrets?

    I'm still not sure where in the back it's hitting but I think it's just a piece of plastic that hangs down behind the tires. Possibly rubbing the bumper itself - but this is a rare issue, only when fully, fully flexed out on a trail. 99.9% of the time I don't experience any rubbing in the back...
  9. Coming Soon: IAG Rock Armor Skid Plates

    I've had these on for a couple of months now. I asked my local shop for some advice on skids and they recommended: 1) No aluminum; 2) Recessed bolts. IAG was one of the few on their list and I liked IAG package setup the most - I can't remember the others they suggested. Very happy with the...
  10. Portals on 38” Nitto Trail Grappler Tires in SD

    After getting Portals I bet you're right!
  11. Toplift vs. Ceiling mount hard top removal

    I would for sure use the ceiling lift if I had the room for it. TopLift is GREAT if you don't have the ceiling room, but the TopLift + Roof itself takes up a lot of space in my garage.
  12. 3 Most USED Mods on Broncos? Go!

    Looks like you got the newer one. Mine does not have those silver mount bars. Either way, if it's only as helpful as mine then it's well worth the price. BUT, I have found 70 gets a LOT colder at 50mph.
  13. Anyone route a Quad Air Hose kit under the vehicle, to the fender liners?

    I bought the quad hose kit from Morrflate and the thought popped in my head of permanently routing the hose kit under the Bronco. Perhaps having the valve/collar affixed to the fender liner, then simply attached a short hose from the collar to the tire valve when it's time to inflate/deflate...
  14. 3 Most USED Mods on Broncos? Go!

    Such an underrated upgrade.
  15. Apple Car Play and making phone calls

    I had my Bronco for a few weeks before my wife connected her iPhone (I'd connected mine Day 1). I started getting issues immediately after she connected her phone. Removed her phone and it's been fine ever since. I ask her to use Wired CarPlay if she ever drives, instead of reconnecting her...
  16. Ford Factory tune, over 500 miles, no warranty on the module.

    There is literally not one reference to “500 miles” in the Ford Performance warranty sheet. https://performanceparts.ford.com/download/PDFS/fpp-warranty.pdf Sounds like an inept dealership.
  17. Rear diff took a bump

    I looked into skid plates recently. The consensus on a differential skid plate is that it’ll just become a new lower place to get hung up on. And that diff cover is so strong already that there’s little chance of it breaking.
  18. 37” Tire Regrets?

    Doesn’t turn the steering wheel.
