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  1. Discount tire won't install Icon Pro wheels?

    sorry yup socket
  2. Discount tire won't install Icon Pro wheels?

    lol probably I made sure they were okay with it before I ordered the tires through them. I just wanted their warranty on the tire. I asked if they had the lugs for the bolts and they said not a problem…. I showed up for the install and they asked me if I had the lug… had to uber to Home Depot...
  3. Discount tire won't install Icon Pro wheels?

    its Americas Tire over here in California for us but yeah on their website they sell those specific wheels. I had bought my at4ws from them but I had got the recon pro (not rebound). The location I went to installed them since the rebound pros are listed on their website but I had to run out and...
  4. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    update on tracking 12/23 : email notification received it was going to powder coat. (In the middle of the holidays) 1/31 : email received it’s going to assembly and QC 2/11 : email received that hardtop is ready
  5. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    lol!!! You forgot about the dimples from kissing some rocks. Haha
  6. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    Fabian just emailed me and my hard top is ready. Since I'm driving out there, I need to plan the trip but currently I’m supervising a project for the next 2 weeks. Trying to schedule my installation for early March. for everyone in the same batch as me, keep an eye out soon. You may be getting...
  7. King of the Hammers 2025 - Who's Going?

    nope you cannot was just suggesting to popo to go there if he was looking for a trail if he was going to go. Pay homage over there since the coordinates are an Easter egg in the bronco if he hasn’t been. Best view of the race itself is streaming online since the course is so large. Chocolate...
  8. King of the Hammers 2025 - Who's Going?

    I’m at work just streaming the race in the background. Was out there last weekend but I was just there watching the races and people crawl at chocolate thunder. if you haven’t already, bronco knoll is nearby. Not sure if the Bronco Nation group is taking people there.
  9. What's Your Off-Roading Plans in 2025?

    I’ve had a bad back since 26. At 45, I developed plantar fasciitis and also arthritis in my thumb… my doctors response was laughter and “just wait til you hit 50” haha.
  10. What's Your Off-Roading Plans in 2025?

    To add on, At lone pine you can go wander around Alabama Hills. Also Reward Mine and quite a bit of other small trails are in the area. personally for my offroad plans, probably stay local this year which means probably a bunch of trips to Big Bear.
  11. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    For tracking purposes …. 12/23 : email notification received it was going to powder coat. (In the middle of the holidays) 1/31 : email received it’s going to assembly and QC
  12. King of the Hammers 2025 - Who's Going?

    I’ll be out there this Saturday and possibly the 8th. Just there to hang out with friends and watch the races. For those going for the first time, please note that there is almost no cellular service out there (unless a tower went in recently) so plan meet up spots and times if you plan to meet...
  13. Alternative to Archtype Magnum Stirrup???

    yup was going to suggest the same if the clip ons. I think they figured out the rusting issues they had in the past . But I don’t have them personally so I can’t speak from personal experience
  14. Alternative to Archtype Magnum Stirrup???

    Are you looking for something that clips onto the oem rock rails? Or are you open to other styles of steps?
  15. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    wont get any update until they get all the tops back from powder coat. My guess from the IG picture is that there was about 20+ tops being powder coated . Even tho the update I got on 12/23 it was off to PC, they probably didn’t start until the new years. So a little over 2 weeks for that...
  16. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    hate squeezes like that 🤣 get some UHMH cut to size to attach to your Molle panels next time haha jk. Itching to get my top soon.
  17. Pseudoko

    SoCal Broncos

    There will be a lot of people there but not sure how may pay attention to the 6G forum. Bronco Nation has a dedicated camp area for the weekend of the finals which is Feb 7-9 but there’s a fee to camp with them. I’ll be at KOH a few days on the weekends but I’ll be there to watch the race but I...
  18. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    wasn’t going to buy anything expensive since I’d only probably only use it for this study. But figure a road trip across the country to get the top installed will give you guys some info of the before and after.
