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  1. 2-door versus Not Broncos

    Real Broncos need the four-door copy cat vehicles; without them, our Broncos wouldn't look as awesome by comparison. We need the four-doors like the 1%ers need the 99% ...to know we're better than they are. Like the good looking people need uggos... like smarter than average bears need the...
  2. Use an extra qt of oil...

    I use expanding foam, wait an hour, add gasoline, then light a match. Leave no nook or cranny with old oil in it! Nah, that's just for Jeeps because it was formulated for those oily ducks on the commercial.
  3. Anyone cut into the Hardtop to flush mount reverse lights?

    No, I think he wants to blind any drivers tailgating.
  4. The Official Bronco6G Photo Challenge Game 📸 🤳

    After I corrected it because I was towing a Uhaul:
  5. Anyone cut into the Hardtop to flush mount reverse lights?

    Here for the pics...
  6. Full JL Audio/Focal Stereo Upgrade for B&O "System"

    Got my popcorn out because I like your choices. Please show pics of the locations you used for those amplifiers and how unintrusive they are.
  7. Build So Far: Shelter Green Bronco Raptor

    :wink: Seriously, though, love the "brush" and I think we'd all like to see more pics of that color: in the sun; compared to white/black backgrounds or cars...
  8. First time towing experience

    Nobody can tell you anything about the vibration without more information or maybe a video but still some ampunt of guessing. I towed "near" the limit and I just adjusted my RPMs and shift points manually.
  9. These roof panels are garbage and Ford should be ashamed of themselves.

    There are a series of steps to fix this: Enlist in the military Get a job around Arty or EOD or jets Ensure you get leadership that doesn't give you proper PPE nor the time to properly use it (easiest part) Eventually, the resulting hearing loss will eliminate most of it and the remaining wind...
  10. Stepping up the Wrap Game ✨

    Consider the matching shirts...?
  11. Already have 200.4 how do I add 500.1 after the fact on ‘22 6 speaker ?

    @idontknow - This is my biggest gripe with the Kicker Key stuff: The input is a Molex-style plug that most people don't have lying around nor want to fit on a custom wiring plug, etc. I didn't see if they include anything or you still have to buy a custom harness per vehicle. I guess spade and...
  12. Stepping up the Wrap Game ✨

    Looks really well done, congrats! It's not my personal style, but maybe I'm boring now? 😂 (great... now I'm contemplating a custom Tiger King wrap, lol) Update us on how the double-thickness holds up.
  13. Front seat back MOLLE panels - usage ideas?

    Where did you find a dog-sized gerbil? :wink: @bassist if you have rear seat passengers, the only things that will work are really flat items like knives. Even a small first aid kit/IFAK may be intrusive if the front seat passenger doesn't have their seat all the way forward.
  14. Already have 200.4 how do I add 500.1 after the fact on ‘22 6 speaker ?

    I was wondering why you weren't just running RCAs from one amp to the other, then I looked at the Kicker Key 200.4........ ohhhhhhhhh.... it doesn't come with RCA out. That's one of the dumbest things I have ever seen since, well... since auto manufacturers won't let you replace the head unit...
  15. Help naming my bronco.

    Sunkist or Sunkissed like the oranges or fruit gems
  16. What systems are affected when re-calibrating the windshield sensors?

    They changed the calibration on the "your speed" signs to be lower for a while to get people to believe their speedometers are wrong and increase their speed. After a week or two, regular drivers on those roads will be driving over the speed limits as a habit. Then, they change the signs back...
  17. BEWARE ICE!!

  18. 2026 Bronco / 60th Anniversary Edition ….. Hopes, Dreams & Suggestions….

    Ford has already shown they don't give a drivetrain about us and "heritage" when they made four-doors and now that four-doors are the only "heritage" Broncos... I am expecting nothing but disappointment and a sticker.
  19. Spare tire mount reinforcement kit now available from Ford Performance Parts

    I love my Turn Offroad reinforcement, but I am very happy that someone at Ford used that space between their ears and included hinge replacements in the official upgrade. It looks like the hinge attachment bracket thingies (official name?) are also upgraded/replaced. Is it just for the mounting...
