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  1. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    Did you receive all of your notifications through the stages of process? Thanks
  2. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    I think I have seen all of them. They have really updated their processes....it would be nice to have a "Shop Tour" video.
  3. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    Unknown....I am at stage 1. Hopefully their system of notification is accurate. So far so good.
  4. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    It would have been great to see all of that. Maybe someday they will video their shop in different stages of production.
  5. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    I ordered on 1-27-25. Order #565. You may not believe it....received an email this morning...it's in production starting today! Yeah!
  6. MIC hairline crack filling: peace of mind or waste of time?

    Long term.....my guess all these tops fall apart. IMO, it's the weak spot of the Bronco and Ford keeps producing and replacing these with more failed tops. Long overdue for a design change! I ordered an Armadillo top. I am not going to mess around with another MIC.
  7. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    Personally, I bought theirs. The L-Trac rails will give you options to attach darn near anything to that top.
  8. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    Lucky you!!!!!!!!!!!! I ordered mine about 2 weeks ago. When was your order placed or order#? That is great how they keep the customer informed of the process....did that come by email or by logging into your account? Thanks
  9. These roof panels are garbage and Ford should be ashamed of themselves.

    I love my Bronco. That said, my long term concern is the MIC top. Mine looks fine but I baby it/303 protectant after every wash and yes...I have one air "leak" as well. Since I plan to keep this Bronco into eternity....the MIC is a long term concern. I watch as I hear about your issue, the...
  10. How can I protect 4WD from my dog?

    As a retired professional dog and K-9 trainer: It is unsafe for the dog and the driver to have a dog loose in the vehicle. I would recommend either crating the dog in the back or install one of the metal dog partition shields so your dog cannot get into the driver's area.
  11. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    Well I ordered my Armadillo top today. I hope for a June-July delivery. I went with the gull wing doors without glass, added the outside molle to those doors. Black top and I will have the molle powder coated in cyber orange....should look really cool that grated cyber orange standing off the...
  12. Cyber Orange Powder Coat Code#

    You are correct. I found it via good ole Google. It also requires a special clear. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Cyber Orange Powder Coat Code#

    A while back someone posted a brand and code # of powder coat that was a very close match to Cyber Orange. Using the search function, I cannot find it. Can anyone here help with this? Thank you. Photo for attention.
  14. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    Have you received yours yet? I am placing my order tomorrow. Thanks
  15. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    When did you place your order and when did you receive it (if you have)? Thanks!
  16. Viability of Selling a 2door MIC Top?

    Ha! I just read your post. Same situation. I am ready to pull the trigger on the Armadillo....just missed their 500.00 off at Christmas. If they won't honor it now, I may wait for a holiday sale before ordering.
  17. Viability of Selling a 2door MIC Top?

    Agreed, however what makes this more difficult is a purchaser would have to have a need for a 2 door MIC (based on what I posted) and be close enough to be able to actually retrieve this one. That will be a small potential customer pool.
  18. Viability of Selling a 2door MIC Top?

    Yeah I was thinking a fair price, 1500.00 or so....just to get it gone. Thanks
  19. Viability of Selling a 2door MIC Top?

    Question-Opinion for the Group: I am planning on ordering an Armadillo hardtop for my 2 door Bronco. I am curious how difficult it will be to sell my 2 door OEM MIC top? Unlike the 4 doors where many only came with a soft top (creating a need for hard top sales), the 2 doors all came with...
  20. Armadillo Designs Aluminum Hardtop

    The Armadillo top is what I have been waiting for. I love my Bronco and my 2 door MIC so far has held together...but I suspect it will eventually fail. I plan to keep my Bronco and want a top I no longer have to "worry" about. I have been in contact with questions to Armadillo, all answered...
