You're not that tough, lol, I would put money on SierraBronco's woman to win in a fight!
ps - as a psychologist, I can safely say our opinions are overrated at times.
If Quinn is so worried about it being dirty, he could just build it from inconel 625 and be done with it.
LOL - That way it could remain overpriced and strong. Also heat won't be an issue!
In all fairness I never took my Bronco for 6 hours at 80-85 mph with the top off (and never had it much over 70 mph with the top off/down). However, beginning around 65 mph, the hardtop wasn't any better than driving with the top off when I first got my Bronco. I ran the bestop soft top for a...
I am serious, I had to wear noise canceling headphones to drive the 6 hours from Corpus Christi to San Angelo too many times to count. It took several months to get my top sorted out. You can call it hyperbole all you want, but the noise was legitimately that bad.
In my girlfriends 2023, it...
Many of you have not owned multiple Broncos, much less 2 Broncos that were nearly identical, with totally different hardtop experiences.
I have, and for the people who have good hardtops, this seems like whining. For the people who have bad hardtops, they don't understand how the situation is...
The 80# should not have made that much difference. I typically have a bunch of weight in tools in the back of my Bronco and the back never seemed to move all that much more when I was running the Bilstein's. It certainly was not bottoming out the shock. Do you have a bunch of gear in the back...