Just went through a separation, moved out, and it’s sitting in the exes garage. The sooner someone buys it the quicker I can never talk to her again, help a brother out!
OBO. Located in STL. Used about 6 times. Nothing wrong with it. Selling the Bronco. Not willing to ship, thing is substantial and the shipping cost would be as well.
I’d be surprised if they actually gave the Everglades wheels to any other trim when ordering opens. Looks like Audis chrono gray metallic with a tad bit more olive to it.
I was beginning to wonder if I was going crazy and they said something else, but I’m holding out hope that we got inside info that’s coming in another update! Glad someone else from that weekend chimed in.
You could buy a kuat Hi Lo Pro (with the cam mechanism you are referencing) OR Pivot, but the pivots pretty bulky by the time you get the rack on. But..can just swing the bike out of the way and that’s nice.
Basic fact checking, this day and age you can’t trust anything. Never believe anything until you check a couple of sources. Including the source! Often shocked how little people do it, for things more serious than this too.
Not sure. They were installed sometime between his 12/4/23 bronco post and his 1/25/24 bronco post. He was busy with selfies and other influencer responsibilities for a bit.
It’s not a new color. Those pics are from almost a year ago. He applied some heavy vibrancy to make the leaves look more vibrant than they actually were, and in the process it turned his velocity blue metallic into this teal you see. Here is a more recent one of his Bronco, standard VBM...
Went to Vegas off roadeo 2 weeks ago. They had a 22 black badlands and they explicitly pointed out how good the paint looked on that truck after being ran for 2 years despite it constantly being brushed against scrub by idiots like myself. Seems like the paint on the broncos is pretty decent to...
Couldn’t find another thread answering my question exactly. I went to Vegas off roadeo last weekend (a blast) and the guides alluded a couple of times to an update coming to all Broncos “in 11 days or so” that would give everyone a digital cluster similar to the raptor. I am obviously aware we...
You can also just fold down the rear seats and make a platform for the cargo space to make it level with the folded down seats. This is less permanent in the event you need the rear seats. Ignore me and my dog but you can kinda get the gist of it based on this pic. Couple 2x4s and 3/4 inch...