
Search results

  1. Have a name / nickname for your Bronco?

    My newly 8 year old has named our 3 year old Badlands, Hank the tank! Mine is Frank. Rides like a tank. Shaped like a tank. Color of a tank, depending on cloud cover. But mainly, he named himself. I asked him what we should call him, and he replied, "Can I be frank with you?" Ummm, yes, yes...
  2. Have a name / nickname for your Bronco?

    When the original marketing images of the EG Broncos were released, the EG had a lot of emerald undertones, so mine almost was "Emerelda". I couldn't do a feminine name, so he's now "Frank".
  3. Two Door Tuesday Lets See Them Two Doors

    Ummm, all of it....?
  4. Two Door Tuesday Lets See Them Two Doors

    This was a quick snap yesterday when I got to work. I love the different colors this green is, depending on Sun angle, time of day, month of year, clouds, ..... 22, BB, 2.7, Underground Graphics stripe and Bronco Script, Badlands grill.
  5. Get New Bronco Rustproofed................or Not????

    I bit the bullet and had a local shop do the rust-proof and undercoat. After seeing all the 5 - 8 year old trucks and suv's in MN that have rust through issues, I am taking a chance this almost all aluminum box will look like new a long time. Only time will tell if I pissed away my money or not...
  6. Two Door Tuesday Lets See Them Two Doors

    Let's be different. Spa Day!
  7. Is an upgrade speaker swap worth it

    Not sure if you are satisfied with all the different points of view, or if it helped. My .02. I pulled all 6 stock Big Bend speakers, and installed Kicker KSC. Rear pods and dash were very simple the the Dash was a bit tedious getting the grill off without marking everything up. Crutchfield...
  8. Windows and Winter

    What are these rear doors of which you speak?
  9. Snow plow, anyone attach one yet? Any reviews?

    Please give an update on the front mount performance when you get some white stuff to move around.
  10. Snow plow, anyone attach one yet? Any reviews?

    I have pondered the same question. G1 Broncos were snow moving beasts. Many of my neighbors had them. I have not read anything positive about plows prior to this thread, so following closely. BTW, why would someone in San Diego have a need for a snowplow? Has hell finally frozen over?
  11. Newby looking for first Bronco - HELP needed with options/trim

    I have a 22 Big Bend Mid Package Squatch 2.7 that sounds like it would check all your boxes. In 22, the BB had cloth, and the mid has remote start. ALL Broncos have a great look with the SAS package, and IMO, is the only way they should be built. (Throwing no shade at any Bronco that is not SAS...
  12. Forscan Help - MN

    Anyone willing to help out with the rear speaker change, and maybe a few operational changes? I just don't have the where with all to get the PC, adapter, software download,...... I would prefer to work with someone who had done it, and buy them a beer. Or lunch. Or... PM me if you can...
  13. Forscan Help - MN

    Anyone willing to help out with the rear speaker change, and maybe a few operational changes? I just don't have the where with all to get the PC, adapter, software download,...... I would prefer to work with someone who had done it, and buy them a beer. Or lunch. Or... PM me if you can...
  14. Do (mostly) no issues Broncos exist?

    22 BB 2DR 2.7 EG. SAS. 2 years, 11k miles, and a couple of electronic updates performed by dealer. Nothing but smiles.
  15. Should I buy this Bronco?

    Ask anyone here if you should buy a Bronco, and 98% of the time, the answer will be yes.😉 Regardless of the details of the deal. It's just money. But a Bronco, it's not just another vehicle. 2 years later, I still smile every time I get in. 😁
  16. New to me ‘22 Base with Sasquatch manual.

    2dr. EG. SAS. Looks good from here. First mod, Sunrider! Best thing I did for the Bronco. Enjoy the Ride!
  17. Jose Cuervo Devil's Reserve Bronco Build by WCC

    "A fool and his money are soon parted". I just wish more fools would part with their money in my direction. But hey, we all bought Broncos so we could add our personal touches, right?
  18. The cheap Base Bronco build on 37's

    That'll work
