
Search results

  1. 6/30 blend dates

    My wife and I spent the last three and a half days walking around Telluride, CO and didn't see a single Bronco. Of course you can't swing a cat without hitting a Jeep. Here's hoping that will change soon! Black Bear pass anyone?
  2. 6/30 blend dates

    I did get an email a couple nights ago that it was "built". I have not gotten an email yet saying it was shipped but the tracker updated this morning.
  3. 6/30 blend dates

    Looks like my Bronco has jumped the fence and escaped dirt mountain!
  4. 6/30 blend dates

    Use this link after substituting your vin and order number. https://shop.ford.com/aemservices/shop/vot/api/customerorder/?partAttributes=BP2.*&vin=VINNUMBER&orderNumber=ORDERNUMBER
  5. 6/30 blend dates

    So progress! I now have these real dates which have up till now been blank or 1990. I'm a 6/29 build. "releaseDate":"2021-09-13","etaStartDate":"2021-09-26","etaEndDate":"2021-10-02",
  6. 6/30 blend dates

    6/28 blend 9/3 hammock Hanging in there...
  7. 6/30 blend dates

    I just received this.