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  1. Automatic Vs Manual

    Is that good? Asking for a friend
  2. Automatic Vs Manual

    Telling me paddle shifters is just like a manual is like kissing your cousin IMHO.
  3. Automatic Vs Manual

    Best theft detection on the planet. Also the best way to avoid valet parking. Simply roll down window and say it's a stick and watch them run
  4. Automatic Vs Manual

    Remember in the arcades they used to have the cars with the MT to drive? I was like the only kid who could do it. That alone is enough for me to continue to only drive MT as long as they are made. It's an honor thing at this point. Plus like already said I really do love it.
  5. Automatic Vs Manual

  6. Automatic Vs Manual

    Manual transmission should be the only option on every car in this country. You would have better and less distracted drivers and better gas mileage.
  7. Automatic Vs Manual

    yea I don't see that but to each his own.
  8. Automatic Vs Manual

    Badlands allows better seats and MT
  9. Automatic Vs Manual

    Don't understand the comment preferences for an auto over manual on snow and ice? No way. Manual offers so much better control. Down shifting instead of using brake is a no brainer for me.
  10. Manny tranny owners, would you do it again?

    someone please change this thread title, it's hard enough being a manual transmission lover without titles like this.
  11. Manny tranny owners, would you do it again?

    Don't have mine yet but I only drive stick. Thought I would be stuck with My 2018 A4 forever until I found the Bronco. Awd and 6 speed as dead as the dodo.