This is how I feel.Checking in!!! Kidding… I have a “no white knighting” policy in my life, learned that lesson the hard way.
To be honest I have bought two products from AR, I have received both, and I am happy with both of them. But I also have a chisel preorder that looks like I will never actually get.
We’ll see I suppose. But seems like we have another case of a product guy who is really good at making product and really bad at running a businesses. Fairly typical when it comes to small businesses I suppose.
Anyway, just spent some time looking at Twisted Shifters and I’m not impressed. So I guess I’ll stick with OEM for the foreseeable future.
I believe at one time it was tolerable, not great… but I also try to point out patterns
The frustrating thing is when you do and all you get is
Worth the wait
-white knight
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People asking real questions get shut down when maybe that should have been looked into