/threadI can’t think of a better way to spend onlyfans money!
That’s all you need to make that money.
I can’t think of a better way to spend onlyfans money!
Agree 100%, but the internet has always rewarded the "less talent=more skin" plan. I've never paid for "skin" on the web yet (too much out there), and I don't support to the concept of "show your wife for money on the web" but I understand it's whas some have to do. Just hope they can get the most out of it while they can.Brittany was talented in her own right before her and whatever his name is took it in a creepy sexualized channel that clearly foreshadowed their OF efforts to come.
I don't blame them at all, capitalize on it if you can, but I used to enjoy watching because I thought they were knowledgeable and she was pretty cute but now its just....innuendo to get you to go to OF.
If I had the means and $150-200k, I would totally have a 2dr APG PreRunner. And not cuz I need one...The build is impressive though. APG does some really solid work and the pay attention to the details. The paint, the finish. Wow.
I do wonder what the price tag was. But as they say, you cannot take it with you, and if they are going to be out running it around and featuring it, well its money put to good use.