I’ve done a fair bit of plasti-dip on various vehicles in MN with good results. Of course it’s not the same as powder-coating for durability on wheels or other areas that can see harsh wear, but the upside is it’s easy to peel off and do again if needed, or if u just want to change color, sheen, etc.I agree black looks better than what they provided. Also, didn’t notice the lugs, I can’t believe Ford didn’t do black lugs. Is there anything special about lugs that I need to know before looking on Amazon or some place. I’m thinking of getting lock lugs, not sure it’s needed…
also, I have a BL SAS 51 and bought a 51/matteblack Ford emblem to replace factory. I was thinking matte black for pony, retro bronco emblem in matteto replaceSas sticker and then rings in matte black. Actually convinced myself to DIY plastidip matte, but now a neighbor is saying don’t do it in MN weather, it will peal for sure. I’m not sure if he’s just trying to get me going…
None the less, anyone have thoughts on this, pics if you have done similar? I also keep going back and forth on matte, grill match or gloss on the rings. Gloss would match the wheel, matte to match the decals and grill to match the grill/mic…