
Paranormal Experiences Thread


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We started this unintentionally in another thread, let’s continue it here! Tell us your scary, spooky or just plain unexplainable stories!

To each their own. When I was 17 I went to turn a light off and my mom asked me from upstairs if that was my brother turning the light off so I responded, “no it’s William.”

I turned around and nobody was standing there, I ran upstairs and she was asleep in bed. I can’t explain that, but I know what happened. Needless to say I hid under my covers in my bed after that because I was freaked out. Lol
Paranormal experiences are real. I've had plenty throughout my life. Some of the wildest ones were where I lived in college at a known property (151 Analomink St. E.Stroudsburg) that had books written recounting the property's history and other's experiences.
Man. We should start a "scary stories to tell in the dark" Thread.
In all seriousness, there's things beyond our mind's abilities to process that are in the world.
I'm no tin foil hat guy, but I've seen things also unexplainable in normal context, many times.
No Squatch, but I have see and heard things that defy explanation in any physical, relatable way.
Paranormal and as a kid in rural east Tx where the skies are clear and no city lights to mess up the view.
As far as I know there wasn't tech in the 80's that allowed an object to move across the sky, come to rest, take a 90 degree turn and streak all the way to the horizon in about a second and a half.
Nor is there anything that explains the silhouette of a person standing and looking at a picture on the wall. A silhouette that is a grey shape that you can see through. And when you approach it it disappears.
Or maybe the times you feel that heavy weight of being watched, and the hairs on your neck stand up and cold chills hit you. And you just know you need to get the heck outta Dodge.

Yeah, I'd love to hear stories. Things like this always intrigued me and I, for one, will never judge or laugh at someone who shares a story that doesn't fit our understanding of the universe.



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I don’t doubt some of those weird UFO like things people see, some of it is just plain weird! The same basement I heard voices is the same basement I was afraid to go into the laundry room, coincidentally the light I was turning off the night I heard it. The room in our basement I stayed in for a few years, it scares me to be in it alone. I could never explain why I never felt alone in that room, but I was never comfortable. The basement door to our garage always opened by itself which I always found weird but chalked up to drafts. But the garage didn’t have a window and I haven’t seen a closed door open itself since that house so maybe it was something. Also, GF stayed the night one night, fighting with her crazy parents. I slept in the basement on the couch, I HEARD footsteps coming down the stairs. They walked up behind me and stopped and I sat there frozen for 2-3 minutes (felt like an eternity) before I could unlock my body and jump up and run yo the stairs as fast as humanly possible.

When I was a kid my aunt had a house in Denver and the rocking chair would rock it self, I was maybe 6. I remember this vividly but I never told anybody and I never saw anything but I always envisioned in my head it was a lady in a flower dress sitting there, I don’t know why my mind adds that. My aunt a few years ago tells me, “My house in Denver was haunted. There was a lady in a flower dress that would sit in the rocking chair and rock it.”

When she said that, I’ve never been more freaked out by anything in my life.

There’s more though. Well there was the one time she also told us she had a dead cowboy in her other house, this house also freaked me out as a kid. My dads friend bought it (with absolutely no knowledge of this) and came to work one day and said, “I went home last night and there was a ghost in my kitchen that was dressed like a cowboy.”

My niece, who was like 4 at the time, also drew a photo of a cowboy and said, “this is the man I sometimes see at night.”

My aunt is a haunted bitch 🤣🤣


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It’s nothing worthy of a podcast or “reality” tv show episode. But when something unexplainable happens to you, it feels meaningful. I’m feeling a bit anxious just thinking about it. It happened just a few months ago.
LINK - https://sites.google.com/site/hauntsandhistory/poconosi-80east

151 ANALOMINK STREET (East Stroudsburg, Monroe County) This building is an apartment house for ESU students. It also has a permanent resident known as Beattie. She's the glowing spook of a tall, thin young woman who's been seen roaming all about the house dressed in pants and a shirt. But she's most seen on the staircase, which she goes up and down while making enough noise to wake up the dead. (The Stroud Courier "Students Say Community Houses Are Haunted," October 28, 2004)
Quoting to continue here!


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There are several.
For one, we bought a house when my first wife was pregnant with my now 22 yr old son.
It was one of those spilt-foyer houses where you walk in and there are stairs to go up to the living room, bedrooms, kitchen, and stairs going down to the basement and garage.
The prior owners finished half the basement for a live-in quarters (really a big 4th bedroom and bathroom) for the husband's dad in his older years.
My wife stayed incredibly sick the entire time we lived there (assumed it was morning sickness), and everyone in the house (I had custody of my youngest sister at the time) could NOT get along to save our lives, and never had that issue before.
The lights downstairs would cut on and off randomly, and I was replacing blown light bulbs every few weeks down there.
There was a distinct temp difference as you descended the few stairs into the basement. It always felt 10-20 degrees colder.
We had a fire down there one day from a candle placed well away from anything else, but somehow it caught a blanket on fire. Managed to get it out no problem, as I caught it early.
My middle sister passed away in a car accident while we lived there.
Just bad vibes all around, so we sold the house.
I talked to the prior owner one day before we moved out and he mentioned his dad passed away downstairs and that they had also had two fires downstairs since.
Maybe 15 years later i was driving through there with my current wife and kids, showing them where I used to live, but it looked different.
The owner was outside so I pulled in, introduced myself again after 15 years, and we started talking.
He said "I wish I knew that house was evil when I bought it. But that's the old house. This one is a new construction, maybe 10 years old now, built exactly the same a the old one, because the old one burned to the ground from a fire in the basement. Oddly enough since we built this one we haven't had strange things happen or issues with the lights in the basement".
Talk about cold chills.


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Growing up I always felt this weird feeling like I was being watched at my grandparent's place. I'd feel and hear things I couldn't see.
I talked to my grandma one night (we were living there temporarily) about the fact I was spooked out in the yard because I felt my hair stand up, heard this snarling growl and running feet behind me, getting closer, just knew there was this huge dog about to rip my throat out. I made it to the steps, turned around, and a gust of wind hit me in the face, smelling like wet dog, but there was nothing there.
She just kind of looked at me in this wise old way and said "Yeah. You know it usually skips a generation. You know, the gift. The seeing and hearing things that others can't. I've seen plenty, and even though it's scary, it's not out to hurt you. At least that I know of. When I was younger (she lived on that property her whole life) I was walking down to here from dad's when we first had this place. I heard a party going on inside the house, the lights were on, music playing. I was wondering what was going on and was scared. I put my hand on he doorknob to open it and everything went quiet and the lights were off instantly. Never could explain it or tell anyone because they would think I was crazy. It ain't the first time and it won't be the last."

Fast forward to 2005. I was 30, just divorced, living with her for a month or two while I found a new place.
Mom had a painting of my deceased sister from 1998 hanging above the fireplace there. IT was an oil painting done from her graduation photo, and they had put angel wings on her and a ray of light behind her. Beautiful painting, and it made me happy and sad at the same time.
I worked 2nd shift and would get home around midnight.
Granny was in a walker and unable to get right next to the windows due to a couch that sat there.
I pulled in the driveway, cutting the lights off first so I wouldn't shine them in the house (as I did every night). I saw a shadow pass behind the curtains, someone walking back and forth, and it wasn't her.
So I hauled ass into the house and it was silent, she was in bed asleep.
Went to the kitchen to get a snack, something to drink.
I turned around to walk to the living room and saw a shadow standing in front of the fireplace, looking at the painting of my sister.
But more of a silhouette grey shadow, and I could see the other side of the room through it.
I began to walk toward it, as I didn't feel fear, it was a good feeling. It stayed there until I spoke, then it abruptly disappeared.
A few days later I started to tell Granny about it and she just nodded and said "Yeah, it's ok. She's here with us, came down to visit for a little while. Remember, you and I are the only two in the family that see these things, and remember that going forward, YOU are never alone in this world. "
3 months later Granny passed away and I haven't been back to that house since.


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As a kid in east TX (little town called Joaquin, near the LA line) life was good. We played outside, it was a slow, simple life and one I envy today. We were poor as dirt but didn't really realize it until I was older.
We lived in the house my granddad built on 20 acres near the river. IT was a single story, typical old farmhouse, I distinctly remember that the doors were very sturdy, wood, and had the 4 panels in them, iron doorknobs. The kitchen was simple, linoleum floor, porcelain cook stove, screen back door leading out to the yard. It felt warm and cozy (I was maybe 3-5 years old) except this one room. It always felt odd. The best way I could describe it is it felt Black (in my mind that's the descriptive term that comes to mind). I always had this feeling of fire in that room, visions of the flames and smoke from underneath the crack at the bottom of the door, the feeling that the knob would be hot to the touch, so i never went into that room.
Somehow one day we got some money and mom bought us tickets to ride a Greyhound to NC to see Granny and family. She and us three kids took the bus and dad stayed behind to work.
I was asleep on the bus and woke up sweating and in a panic. I told mom there were boulders going to come off the mountain and crush the bus, I dreamt it. She assured me it was just a dream, no problem.
Down the road as we were going through the mountains on the NC/TN line, they had the road blocked. A rockslide had happened and pushed a car off the edge.
We were in NC for a week or so when she got the call that lightning had struck our house (burned it down) in TX and dad was coming up to find a place in NC to live. I learned also that my grandad had passed away in the room I never wanted to go in after an incredibly bad case of stomach cancer.


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While in TX as a kid I remember the sky particularly. IT was huge! and you could easily see the Milky Way, seemed like a billion deep field stars.
Several nights I would lie out there and just look at them. But in doing so I inevitably saw extra stuff.
One night I saw a bright blue/green star that was out of place. It moved slowly toward my direction, stopped for several minutes, rotating between blue and green light. Still very high in the sky. It turned 90 degrees left and moved slowly for a few seconds before blasting off silently to the horizon in a fraction of a second.
One time I saw a giant V shape silently glide overhead from the north-east. It looked like the size of a skyscraper, even a few thousand feet up from me. What caught my attention was the fact it was the blackest black I've ever seen, and blocked out the sky above it. It was the movement that caught my eye. On each end of the V and halfway down each side was a single pulsing dim red light. It was completely silent.
It turned and floated off to the west as slowly and silently as it arrived before fading.
I say fading because that's what it did. I could see the black shape, then a few stars through the shape, then nothing but stars.
Not saying aliens...but definitely beyond my understanding of tech we are currently or did use.



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LINK - https://sites.google.com/site/hauntsandhistory/poconosi-80east

151 ANALOMINK STREET (East Stroudsburg, Monroe County) This building is an apartment house for ESU students. It also has a permanent resident known as Beattie. She's the glowing spook of a tall, thin young woman who's been seen roaming all about the house dressed in pants and a shirt. But she's most seen on the staircase, which she goes up and down while making enough noise to wake up the dead. (The Stroud Courier "Students Say Community Houses Are Haunted," October 28, 2004)
Miss Beattie... She wasn't nice and didn't extend a welcome. But we grew to live together.

First, I didn't know any history on the property so my experiences weren't tainted with a bias of expectation. Analomink Street was 2 blocks from campus (easy walk and parking was a nightmare on campus) and it was a half a block from the fraternity house. The location was perfect. The landlord (Harold) was an absentee 80 year old NJ resident who only cared about the rent check so he was never around. And the house number was perfect as it had the association of 151 proof rum and we called it from Day 1 the 151 Stumble Inn. I don't think the doors were ever locked in the years that I lived there as there was always someone coming/going. It was a regular 2-story house with the upstairs/downstairs as 2 separate apartments. We had the upstairs with attic access that we converted into 2 more bedrooms (yes, huge fire hazard).

I lived there with my girlfriend for the first 3 months before anyone else returned to school. Within the first day was the welcome. I was cleaning the place and was using an old Kirby vacuum. Those who know the brand, know they are heavier than hell (at least 25 lbs). I was alone while my girlfriend was shopping for move-in supplies. As soon as you entered the front door, the stairs (L-Shape) took you to the upstairs which opened up to living room on the right, bathroom straight ahead, and my bedroom on the left (immediate top of stairs). I was vacuuming in the living room and had the vacuum base on top of the radiator as I used the hose extension to vacuum the top sill of the window. No shortage of the cord or the hose, but the welcome I received was the Kirby getting thrown about 4' (the trajectory was obvious and it didn't "fall" from the radiator). I was done cleaning until my girlfriend returned from the store. 😬

The other common experience shared by other roommates was the light in the bathroom. Now, this could be discounted by bad wiring, but there was no problem with other lights/switches in any other room in either apartment. It was a simple 60w bulb, but it would burn like a heat lamp but not all the time. It would be normal lighting, but frequent enough that it would glow brighter regardless of the wattage rating on the bulb. Consequently, bulbs didn't last long and we just used the hall light (and natural window light) to illuminate the bathroom.

I also had a disturbing NDE that I won't recount here. Just that it was very real and physical. That I can't necessarily attribute to Beattie.

There were enough odd experiences that we began to dig into the history. The story that was relayed to us was that the daughter (Beattie) had suffered a tragic accident and died from a fall down the stairs. With accrediting our experiences to Beattie (yes, we used to talk to her), they would become infrequent. But still would happen from time to time as if we weren't paying any attention to her.

Yes, the noise on the steps was common. We wouldn't pay much attention other than to call out to Beattie to "keep it down". And the noise would stop...
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Aug 17, 2020
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As a kid in east TX (little town called Joaquin, near the LA line) life was good. We played outside, it was a slow, simple life and one I envy today. We were poor as dirt but didn't really realize it until I was older.
We lived in the house my granddad built on 20 acres near the river. IT was a single story, typical old farmhouse, I distinctly remember that the doors were very sturdy, wood, and had the 4 panels in them, iron doorknobs. The kitchen was simple, linoleum floor, porcelain cook stove, screen back door leading out to the yard. It felt warm and cozy (I was maybe 3-5 years old) except this one room. It always felt odd. The best way I could describe it is it felt Black (in my mind that's the descriptive term that comes to mind). I always had this feeling of fire in that room, visions of the flames and smoke from underneath the crack at the bottom of the door, the feeling that the knob would be hot to the touch, so i never went into that room.
Somehow one day we got some money and mom bought us tickets to ride a Greyhound to NC to see Granny and family. She and us three kids took the bus and dad stayed behind to work.
I was asleep on the bus and woke up sweating and in a panic. I told mom there were boulders going to come off the mountain and crush the bus, I dreamt it. She assured me it was just a dream, no problem.
Down the road as we were going through the mountains on the NC/TN line, they had the road blocked. A rockslide had happened and pushed a car off the edge.
We were in NC for a week or so when she got the call that lightning had struck our house (burned it down) in TX and dad was coming up to find a place in NC to live. I learned also that my grandad had passed away in the room I never wanted to go in after an incredibly bad case of stomach cancer.
This is all such good stuff, now I don’t feel so weird! 🤣 This will sound incredibly odd but in the room in our basement there was a vent in the upper right corner. Just a vent, nothing scary, just a stupid vent. Yet, it somehow freaked me out. I had a vision but I try and convince myself it was a dream. I looked at it once and I envisioned a bright light and that was it. One day I was walking around upstairs and I looked down the stairs into the basement and I saw a flash and I envisioned a picture of Jesus. Then 2 days later I had a dream that I was walking down a road in the middle of nowhere and everything was on fire.

The next day my friend in an attempt to hit a car swerved into oncoming traffic at night into someone’s headlights and swerved back at the last second before we hit them dead on.

That was something that freaked me out. I felt like something or someone was trying to tell me something like some final destination shit. I never looked at that vent again and I never looked down the stairs on purpose 🤣


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A few days later I started to tell Granny about it and she just nodded and said "Yeah, it's ok. She's here with us, came down to visit for a little while. Remember, you and I are the only two in the family that see these things, and remember that going forward, YOU are never alone in this world. "
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I do believe that some are more receptive to paranormal experiences. I think we all have an innate perception as infants, but some as a result of learned conditioning are no longer able to perceive the energy or if they do it is fleeting and discounted as unexplained. It's not as if those who are receptive seek out the interactions, but rather they are more aware.


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Thanks for sharing your experiences. I do believe that some are more receptive to paranormal experiences. I think we all have an innate perception as infants, but some as a result of learned conditioning are no longer able to perceive the energy or if they do it is fleeting and discounted as unexplained. It's not as if those who are receptive seek out the interactions, but rather they are more aware.
I definitely run from them lol


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I definitely run from them lol
IT's an easier life if you don't fear (at least always fear) things that you may sense or feel.
I believe it's all around us, all the time, and we only at rare intervals are able to somehow perceive it with one or more of our senses.
Whatever it may be, an alternate universe, the higher level of consciousness, the "glitch in the matrix", the sprit world, I believe it's always there, just out of our normal range of perception and understanding. And it's not inherently malicious. At least, not often.
I think sometimes it is reactive to our state of mind and/or reaction to becoming aware of it at the moment. If we are scared, angry, hurting, our reactions/perception of it is somehow framed by that mentality.
But I can tell you (and I am a Christian, by the way, just not nearly as good a one as I should be), that there have been times in my life that have only come out good in the end by some sort of positive energy or divine intervention. So whatever it is, explainable by science, belief, or some sort of metaphysics, I'm ok with it as long as I can justify or make sense of it somewhat at the time.
But to be honest most of the time when I did experience something odd, it just scared the crap out of me and I just wanted to not be at that place at that particular time.
Not so much going on in the last decade or so.
I think the more busy we are/noise in our lives is directly proportional to what we are able to perceive.
Maybe those Tibetan monks are on to something with the silence, the meditating... :LOL:

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