mine says this…. your vehicle. If Motorcraft oil is not available, use motor oils of the recommended viscosity grade that meet API SP requirements and display the APIThe manual says:
1. That the capacity is 7 quarts
2. To immediately drain oil out if the level on the stick is above the max mark
Based on the fact that so far any of us who either have a factory fill or who add 7 quarts after a drain and filter change end up with an oil level about an inch over the max mark, which "do what the manual says" reference are you suggesting? Number 1 or number 2? You can't have both...
Certification Mark for gasoline engines.
Do not use supplemental engine oil additives because they are unnecessary and could lead to engine damage that your vehicle warranty does not cover.
Variant Including the Oil Filter
All. 7.0 qt (6.6 L)
Name Specification
Motorcraft® SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil(U.S.)
Motorcraft® SAE 5W-30 Super Premium Motor Oil / Huile moteur de très haute qualité SAE 5W-30 Motorcraft®(Canada)
XO-5W30-Q1SP(U.S.) CXO-5W30-LSP6(Canada)