
Granger Fan Club - Broncotown, USA

This is a group for Bronco enthusiasts who are also fans of Granger Ford. It is a gathering site to share all things Bronco, Granger, Road trips, Wheeling and more. No need to buy from Granger, just an enthusiasm for their contributions to the forum!
Now I have bought several new vehicles in my life but no experience was quite like the epic experience I had at Granger Motors. Having waited about 2 years and vowing not to cut the 6 hairs I had left on my head until I got my Bronco, I arose early at my hotel in Urbandale and brought out my razor. I wanted to look good for the reporters and the thousands of Iowans I had invited to celebrate with me. Traveling from Urbandale to Granger. Motors there were no less than 19 full size billboards welcoming me by name . When I got within 10 miles of the dealership, the highway was lined with thousands of well wishers , cheering ecstatically.

Arriving at the dealership, Samantha said I was in for a treat today. She said the parade that Granger has for each Bronco owner was about to begin. ( I thought -sure , this is going to be funny) The parade was spectacular with no less with than 87 floats, 3 high school marching bands and the University of Iowa Drum Corp. By this time I was feeling a bit overwhelmed ( and ashamed that I had complained about waiting so long to get my Bronco).

After the parade ended, everything became quiet and they escorted me to the center of the parade route. It was then that the the mayor of Granger presented me with the keys to the city and declared that I was forever an honorary citizen.

Finally , the moment had arrived. I entered the showroom and Zach handed me the keys to my new Bronco. As is the custom for every new Bronco delivered, I then joined all the employees in lifting our shot glasses in a toast to the wait being over. How they knew I liked Woodford Reserve is beyond me. ( I am not sure if the employees are always this happy or if they had just delivered to many Broncos that day but a good time was had by all.)

I drove away with the crowd still cheering and a Texas size smile on my face.

Thank you Granger for a memorable experience.
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