
Georgia Bronco

A club dedicated to Bronco owners in Georgia.
Hi you all, looks like tomorrow I will finally be entering the Georgia Bronco Owners club, after 2+ years!!

Quick question, I ordered the soft top so I could get it faster, but would really rather have a hardtop Anyone have any luck getting one after market? Any thoughts and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Also I saw that Ford my have them for shipment to dealers in 2023, but didn't offer any details and who knows if that was right.

Thanks, Brian
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If it were me, I would hold off a few more months on replacement of your softie. I think the market needs to expand a little more before you upgrade.
The softie should be good for a while.
Thanks @cashe3 How is it with the cold?
Big Diamond
Big Diamond
@BroncoBrianAtl Congrats on finally taking delivery. The soft top is great in the cold. The heat is more than sufficient in these trucks, IMO. Wind noise at highway speeds is way more of an issue than cold, but I've heard there is a bunch of noise with the hard tops as well so who knows.
@Big Diamond Thanks! Appreciate that! Looking forward to it.
Congratulations! Glad to hear it.

I agree with @cashe3 on it. Give it some time and learn what you like/ don’t like about the soft top. I was out running around this afternoon and after lunch just flipped two latches and had my top back that quickly. It is great that way. I really love being able to do that so easily and quickly.

Two things that I did to make it work better for me we’re adding a bag (Dirtydog 4x4) to hold the windows when I take them out and getting a Diabolical Inc. Slipstream security enclosure so I have a secured area to lock up when I am away from the Bronco. They both work great.

Enjoy the new Bronco and be sure to post pictures.
Gene Dios
Gene Dios
ADV is the only decent roof option and the $ tag is a doozy. For what it's worth I always disliked the soft top until I got my bronco and I've been pretty happy with it. I like the way it looks better in person and I haven't had any issues with the way it functions.
@Gene Dios They are asking a fortune for those things. I made a post in another Bronco group on Facebook, and all the feedback has been very similar to yours. That's great to hear. Thanks for your feedback, really appreciate it.
So I have a hard top and am very happy with it. But after seeing a few softop and driving the hardtop for a few months here are a couple of thoughts
I would still order a hard top if I had the choice.
If a softop was the only bronco available I would take it with no second thoughts.
If I had a softop. Getting a hard top replacement would be on my list of to dos, but it would be very low on the list. And likely not done until the softop needs replacement
Congratulations on finally getting your Bronco @BroncoBrianAtl !!! I believe Adv Fiberglass is currently taking preorders for their hard top, which comes in black or white and can be 1 piece or modular.
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@TheNexrum Thanks! Do you have any idea what they are charging? Heard 5k, but really have no idea for sure. Do you have a hardtop? And as luck would have it, just got caught covid and can't go pick it up! Such a cruel joke! haha
@BroncoBrianAtl dam that sucks. I think it’s more than that depending on color or modular. Yeah, I luck into a hard top on mine.
Lots of great comments and experiences shared. I'm a MIC 2.0 owner and have no issues thus far, but I do envy the ease of "dropping the top" when the urge comes to go topless. We easily remove the front and mid sections, but the rear remains most of the time for convenience. Regarding wind noise, we've found that the Bronco is quite quiet with the top off. Surprisingly so as my wife were driving at highway speeds and able to carry on a conversation. Maybe the solution for wind noise is removing the top :)

It really does just come down to preference.

One final thought, I've seen quite a few items up for sale from folks doing "take offs" to replace with aftermarket. I'm suspecting a MIC top may soon pop up once folks start to go aftermarket.
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@BroncoBrianAtl many of our fellow Bronco owners are removing factory parts and replacing with aftermarket parts. Those factory parts that are being "taken off" (currently mostly wheels, tires, bumpers, etc.) are posted in market places for sale. These are often referred to as "take offs" (at least that's how I came to know them). Essentially those items that came factory and removed in good working order. Sometimes, literally brand new because us Bronco owners can't way to "make them our own" with custom add-ons. Hope this helps.
@rws Got it, Thank you so much for that. Is their a particular marketplace you like over others?
@BroncoBrianAtl so far, I've only looked to the marketplace here in Bronco6G and thebronconation.

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