
SoCal Broncos

Starting the conversation for past, present and future SoCal Bronco owners. Lets go!
What's up friends!

Been having trouble finding folks to hit the trails with. I usually have a pretty high risk tolerance so I don't have any issue trying different things by myself but all I hear from everyone is that I need a partner for safety. Obviously I understand that but so far my choices have been go alone or don't go out at all. I'm within range of most of the popular SoCal spots with a day or so notice.

If anyone is ever looking for a trail partner ' for safety' of course lol feel free to reach out.

Happy Wheeling!
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I'll keep you in mind, I go out solo as well as the huge group rides aren't my thing.
Arrowbear Rider
Arrowbear Rider
@KT_bronco I like going out in a smaller group, but I've done a few large organized events (Moab Safari, Big Bear Bash) and AJ's runs and I'd say on the organized larger events there were great runs and a couple of times some incels were being unsavory, but AJ's were the better runs of the large group runs.
Arrowbear Rider
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Arrowbear Rider
Arrowbear Rider
Arrowbear Rider
Arrowbear Rider
@Dimitar They changed the site yesterday and lowered the price to register from $70 to $50. I'm using my $20 refund to buy an extra BBQ dinner, you only get one with the registration. If you go to the second link, that page has the link to get to products page to buy stuff and at the bottom is the registration button to add to cart. They had runs up, but changed that, you can contact them with questions, Jeremy has been good about answering promptly.
@Arrowbear Rider looks like fun. I think I might reserve a camp site in the town. I’ll let you know.
Arrowbear Rider
Arrowbear Rider
Yes, I have a campsite reserved and registered last Friday. I did pretty much the same as you, but I was looking for something that specific weekend and after posting on 4XMore Bronco Offroad on Facebook another member posted the info on the event.

You have multiple trail choices, a couple are full, but 4 or 5 were still available last I checked.
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@Arrowbear Rider I went to explore registration and it appears the site is down right now but I will keep an eye on it - very possible I attend if there's room.
@Arrowbear Rider I'm going to skip this one but feel free to keep me in mind for others you might find. Seems the only thing listed is attendance, I didn't see anything about trail runs or camp sites. Thanks again, bud!
Arrowbear Rider
Arrowbear Rider
@MidwayJ look in product and you then see the runs, you actually pick one when you register.

I just went there and I don't see the runs and the price is $20 cheaper???? hmm.
Arrowbear Rider
Arrowbear Rider
Arrowbear Rider
Arrowbear Rider
It's cool I'll post when I can do trips. I want to do a Mojave Rd overlanding camping trip, I don't know if one can be squeezed in before the heat. Starting by Barstow and landing at the Colorado River. But if not this spring then next fall.
@Arrowbear Rider Mojave Rd. was one people were telling me not to do alone lol - I definitely want to do that. Yeah I think all of the runs must've sold out which makes sense - probably the most popular part.
I usually wheel with a few others within a few hours of San Diego. The desert is starting to warm up so we'll be moving to evening/night runs, but will keep the group informed as opportunities arise.

The big events are OK, but mostly devoid of any good wheeling- just too many people. I might as well sit in traffic on the 405 as attend Easter Jeep, Superstition's, etc.

Years ago I was involved in the recovery of a young couple that went wheeling alone, unprepared. The ending was not a happy one. If you're prepared, no problem- unprepared, get good life insurance and have a will. Bad things can happen quickly.

I'd suggest joining CAL4Wheel.
Forgot to mention, I'd also recommend "JustRuns" justruns.com
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@Neps Appreciate the response - really good info. I am still taking it pretty easy because I'm always solo. Will look into the recommended sites as well.
I’m in the same boat. I’d say I’m prepared but lack experience to push it solo. I’d be down for something like Burns Canyon starting in Rimrock and end up in Holcomb Valley area to finish off. Planning on the BBBB but would like to meet up before if possible.
@Shrek27 I was considering hitting up Bronco Knoll early Friday and then exploring from there. I may also be down for the Burns trip too depending on when.
Got work Fridays and looks like another good storm coming in this weekend (also Easter). I should be free at least one day on most weekends and a few Mondays in April though.
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@Shrek27 Yeah shoot me a message and we can set something up. My plan was to end in Big Bear so if weather is a big factor I may just skip it this weekend as well.

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