
Search results

  1. "Close" Warning Display - How to Disable?

    I bet this is a dumb question due to my lack of appreciation for all the technology on this Bronco, but I've searched the owners printed and the internal manual and can not find the answer - or am just too dense to recognize it. When I use the Bronco in one of it's intended uses (off road 4x4) I...
  2. Cheap Key Fob for 23 Manual Xmission Bronco

    After much searching I bought one of these Chinese fobs on ebay for $22 and change including shipping. There are others selling the same things. Received it in 3 days and programmed fine. Now I have 3 so if I lose one I'm not at the dealers mercy to sell me one and program it. You need 2 to...
  3. Fuel Mileage - Display versus Calculated?

    I searched and did not find a thread on this topic and read a few threads on how to get the best mileage, but not this topic. Just took delivery of my 4-dr with 2.3, but the question is applicable to all models I think. For those of you who have calculated your mileage the old fashion way -...