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  1. 2.7L is very choppy from launch

    Yep, happens with mine. Left turns mostly, oddly.
  2. How do I unlock this piece?

    Eruption Green! Nice!
  3. 4A or 2H? Which is the best?

    Yeah, I need to get my Bronco checked out. I went to mine after this thread (it was warmed up) and put it in sport, turned out of my driveway and got binding. Then when at the gas station I turned the ignition on and it bucked forward. Something isn't right. I feel like everytime I try to do a...
  4. 4A or 2H? Which is the best?

    Welp, looks like it's gonna get looked at next time I get an oil change.
  5. 4A or 2H? Which is the best?

    Anyone get binding in 4A during slow turns (think backing out of parking spot, pulling in, etc)?
  6. GOAT modes unavailable

    All of your pics showed the hood open display on the dash. Just sayin.
  7. GOAT modes unavailable

    This is just a stupid idea, but could it be because your hood is open?
  8. Watch Your Battery Voltage

    Mine is usually at 14.3 and I haven't had an issue yet.
  9. Reàr cap water leak

    Ah. Haven't had any experience with them. If you take it in to get fixed, please update on the ease/experience of dealing with them. Thanks!
  10. Reàr cap water leak

    Yes, mine does that too. Which dealer you taking it to? Chester County here as well.
  11. List of Technical Service Bulletin TSB

    Just read down that whole list... I could have sworn there was a TSB for getting binding when in 4A (when you're not supposed to)
  12. Torn rubber seal on drivers side roof panel

    That doesn't look like something that would tear from just taking off the panel. I would absolutely try to get that fixed under warranty.
  13. Wheel Vibration in Reverse

    4A? Mine has some binding in reverse (I need to get it to the dealer so they can remedy it).
  14. Factory speaker problem

    I had the drivers side not work once, but it came back on by itself next time I started it.
  15. Windshield replacement: OEM vs Carlite w/ Logo?

    Interested in seeing the difference!