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  1. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    Itā€™s home!!! 615 days after reservation 495 days since 1st Order 190 days after ā€˜21 OBX smashed into viaduct during delivery and reorder hallelujah!!!!
  2. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    My OBX was DELIVERED fully intact this morning!! Dealer is preparing for delivery! I ordered some accessories that the dealer will install but those accessories arenā€™t in yet so I might just buy the car and bring it home then take it back to get accessories installed later. canā€™t believe itā€™s...
  3. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    HOLY SHIT!! I woke up and checked the tracker and I am shipped!!! I might actually get it this week!! Thanks for all the camaraderie and support folks!! It's been a long long road since reservation date 10/02/2020... 612 days not that anyone is counting.... This is my second Bronco... as...
  4. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    I am. I hardly check trackers anymore. It's been built since March 20 or so.... "Awaiting Shipment"...
  5. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    I'm still on a "convoy carrier delay"... 40 days and counting since Built Email..... nearly 6 weeks. Blend: 3/15/22 Built: 3/20/22
  6. 647 days since July 13, 2020

    No idea. I just answered a call that came through as "Spam Risk" and it was a supervisor following up... but she had no idea I had been calling etc for months.
  7. 647 days since July 13, 2020

    Thanks for the level headed request. I am at day 565 since my reservation... I am on build #2... The first one was smashed into a viaduct last fall while being delivered to the dealer. I reordered a 2022 and have been "built awaiting shipment" for more than a month. My dealer has less...
  8. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    My ā€œAwaiting Shipmentā€ number is 138. Went as high as 150. My blend date is 3/14 on the tracker app but 3/15 on window stickerā€¦
  9. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    I'm in Chicago about 4 hours from MAP and I have been in "Awaiting Shipment" for nearly a month... the delivery ETA keeps getting pushed out because of a "convoy delay".... but I have seen in other threads where builds from a week or 2 after mine are delivered to Chicago without delay....
  10. šŸ›  3/28/22 Build Week Group

    2 weeks ago I got the same agent on chat twice in a week and she said her update on my Bronco status was "the same as I told you 3 days ago." I LOL'd and ended the chat... is it bad to get recognized by the Chat agent?
  11. šŸ›  3/28/22 Build Week Group

    Did yours go from "ASN" to blank and then back to "ASN" that's why mine did just today.
  12. March 2022 Bronco Production: 14,953 Units

    I feel youā€™re painā€¦. My 2021 OBX was smashed into a viaduct a few miles from delivering it to the dealership on 12/1/21ā€¦. Iā€™m on Round 2. Reordered a 2022 OBX and thatā€™s the one sitting on a lot at MAP on a ā€œconvoy delayā€ā€¦.
  13. March 2022 Bronco Production: 14,953 Units

    Mine has been sitting there "built" for a few weeks... it's on a "convoy delay"... I live 4-5 hours from MAP.... These numbers are just numbers.... when they start actually delivering Broncos consistently then let's talk about numbers.....
  14. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    Same for me too. Blend 3/15; Built email 3/20; Delivery estimate keeps changing... as of today I was told for the first time, via chat, that the status is "convoy delay... ETA 4/7"... yeah right. effing disaster. convoy crashed my 2021 OBX into a bridge and now convoy can't deliver the...
  15. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    My thoughts exactly but that's what Ford's tracker shows.... maybe that's when they updated the tracker??
  16. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    Hey! Hereā€™s what I know: Blend date: 3/15/22 Built date: 3/20/22 Dealer says he sees that it should be delivered between 3/26 - 4/1ā€¦ he added that heā€™s seen them show up a week before ETA dates and also a week afterā€¦. so who knows!!! Iā€™m just glad Iā€™m back to this pointā€¦. This is Bronco #2...
  17. šŸ›  3/14/22 Build Week Group

    @Wfontes - Blend date 3/15/2022 "Built" as of 3/20/2022 and "Awaiting Shipment"..... Chat says ETA of 4/1/2022... I'm 4-5 hours away from MAP so I hope that is worst case scenario...